Public Affairs

Representation in Brussels

The European Single Market is vital for the European Tool industry, given the export-oriented nature of our business activities. A coherent and uniform application of European Union law is therefore of utmost importance to producers of hand tools and construction fixings.

Defending your interests and contribute to better lawmaking and implementation

CEO actively defends the common interests of the European Tool industry in the field of EU Regulatory Affairs. We aim to provide input and recommendations of our industry to EU policymakers with the goal to create and maintain best conditions of competitiveness for the European tool manufacturers.

All information on our activities

On this page, external stakeholders and CEO members find information on our different work streams and policy positions. As a direct member of CEO, you can take part in the process - contact us if you want to join!


Currently, CEO is running five Working Groups focussed on the most relevant legislations:

  • CEO Working Group CBAM
  • CEO/CFE Working Group CPR
  • CEO WG Eco-design / Digital Product Passport
  • CEO WG Packaging

CEO Working Group CBAM

Following up a survey among all CEO direct members in December 2023 and January 2024, the most important topics have been prioritised. Those topics were the basis for the constitution of the respective Working Groups.

One of them is the new CEO Working Group on the EU Carbon Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). All news and results of our work in progress will be published here.


CEO Working Group CBAMProfile of CEO WG CBAM

Read more … Profile of CEO WG CBAM