New online magazine "Patent Knowledge News"
The European Patent Office (EPO) has launched a new online magazine called Patent Knowledge News, which will feature news, updates and facts relating to patent knowledge from the EPO and beyond. New articles will be published every two weeks in a dedicated section of under Searching for patents.
Moreover, the EPO communications team will feature Patent Knowledge News in ever edition of the EPO newsletter.
Key topics
Topics to be covered by Patent Knowledge News will include - among others:
- information on updates to and developments in the EPO's tools, data and services
- articles about interesting aspects of patent searching
- special features on patent systems around the world, and specifically in Asia
- tips and tricks on how best to use Espacenet, PATSTAT, Global Patent Index and many other services in everyday business life
- the latest trends in game-changing and future and emerging technologies - and how to gain insights with the help of patent knowledge
- "Patenticulars", an infotainment section with interesting particularities and peculiarities from the patent information world