Intellectual Property Rights
New IP Special: IP and Social Media
Unitary Patent System to enter into force on 1 June 2023
Work on the Data Act is progressing
Legislative proposal for a Regulation on compulsory licensing of patents postponed
Unitary Patent System should enter into force on 1 June 2023
Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act) - November 2022 Update
Legislative proposal for a Regulation on compulsory licensing of patents
Overlap Between Industrial Design and Copyright Protection in India
World Intellectual Property Indicators 2021
Trade mark registration in India: traps and challenges
First-ever framework to protect intellectual property for craft and industrial products
European IP Helpdesk Bulletin on IP and the Green Deal
Case studies and podcast on successful technology transfer
Unified Patent Court Agreement enters into force
New information hub for European SMEs
E-commerce is main channel for trade in counterfeits
EU Intellectual Property Action plan
Data Governance Act - October 2021 Update
Patent drafting and its importance for patent protection
New online magazine "Patent Knowledge News"