About CEO

Board of Management

"The CEO-congress is our platform to get in touch with the most important players in the hand tool market world-wide. Not only can we benchmark ourselves against others but also we get up to date information on what is happening in our industry and about future developments on the market.”


Wilhelm Hahn

Wiha Werkzeuge GmbH (D)
CEO President



"CEO/European Tool Commitee is the best forum in the hand-tools world in Europe. As European manufacturers, we can feel proud of being part of the Association, where we get first hand info on all news and issues affecting the hand-tools business all over the world. We also become stronger in the defence of our interests, since we are very often affected by same regulations while exporting out of the EU.

All European hand-tool manufacturers are more than welcome to join CEO, since our market is supplied by both, from big corporations with a considerable market share to small specialists dominating a specific product range.”


Miguel González
SNA Europe (E)
Vice President


"We cannot always look inwards, we also have to look outwards to consider the customer and to gain new ideas. I have been involved in CEO activities for 25 years and still get benefit from listening to the different opinions of my friends in other companies and other parts of Europe. As a side benefit, I have visited new cities and gained many great memories, such as the trip to Spandau Citadel in Berlin, but that is another story…”


Neill Brodey
Norbar Torque Tools Ltd.
Board Member


"Our industry faces many challenges today with the digitalization of the economy, the digitalization of the manufacturing floor (Industry 4.0) and the constant pressure of a globalized world. Being part of the CEO provides a platform to exchange on our challenges, learn from each other and industry experts, and defend our best interests."


Guilhaume Bonafe
Stanley Black & Decker (B)
Board Member


"In today the globalized world, it is important to network with tool manufactures both nationally and internationally in order to be able to react well informed to the movements and developments in the market.”


J. Wolfgang Kirchhoff
Board Member




"Facing tough competition from Asia, we have to work closely together to rejuvenate our tool industry in Europe. It is a challenge.  Momento and I are willing take this challenge and contribute to a stronger European tool industry.”


Torbjörn Palmberg
AB Momento
Board Member






Stefan Horst
Managing Director of FWI (D)
General Secretary






Noël Thiefine
General Secretary of S.I.O. (F)
Deputy General Secretary






Thibaut Moulin
Board Member






Dr. Ulrich Bourgund
Board Member






Thomas Glockseisen
Board Member






Dr. Christian Dowidat
Board Member






Matthias Hoffmann
Board Member