Welcome to CEO

The European Tool Association CEO is the association of and for the
European tool and fixings manufacturers, covering the following tool categories:


The European Tool Association CEO stands for:

  • Manufacturers’ Association in Europe
  • R&D, engineering and production in Europe
  • Applying Quality & Safety Standards
  • Employment in Europe & Social Commitment
  • Fair Trading
  • Environment & Resources
  • History & Expertise as European Producers

We represent the interests of around 180 member companies. The European tool industry generates an annual turnover of over €30 billion and is deeply committed to the production of high quality products in the European Union as well as to open and fair international trade relations.

Our paramount aim is to create and maintain best conditions of competitiveness for the European tool manufacturers.


Our major activities are based on the aims:

  • Representing the interests of the European tool industry with official organisations and authorities both, inside and outside Europe and with the public.
  • Providing any information for the European tool manufacturers, which are of major relevance for the companies.
  • Providing statistical information for the member companies, enabling them to analyse their actual situation in business.
  • Maintaining regular contacts among the member companies for exchange of experience and information.

We are committing ourselves to fair competition under reasonable conditions and to the manufacturing of safe tools.


CEO General Secretary

Comité Européen de l'Outillage (CEO)
Elberfelder Str. 77
42853 Remscheid

Phone: +49-2191-438-27
Fax:      +49-2191-438-79
Email:   ceo@ceo-tools.com

President: Thomas Glockseisen
General Secretary: Stefan Horst